COVID-19. Revisa las medidas que puedes adoptar para responder rápidamente ante esta contingencia. Consúltalas aquí.


What is gtag.js and what is it for?

Global Site Tag is a library (a set of javascript variables, functions and programs that we can load on our site) designed to use the entire Google suite and third parties. It also simplifies labelling, exchange and analysis between different products. Gtag.js makes processes much easier by keeping tags from different products in one place …

Unseed, simplify and enrich your analytical tool data through Tealium

In the world of digital analytics there are various tasks that can be asked for by your customers or a co-worker. For example, at some point you’ve tried to cross-reference information between two different analytics tools, such as combining information from a CRM and Analytics. You may have also wanted to cross-reference CRM information with …

The best tools for data visualization (dashboards)

Every day, we are exposed to indicators that help us verify that everything is working as it should or that you need certain adjustments to do so. From the tiny battery that shows us the remaining charge of our smartphones, to the car dashboard with detail of speed, gasoline and performance of our vehicle.

RegEx Look up tables in Google Analytics

Look up tables with Google Analytics regular expressions We tell you what they are, how they work, and what regular expression tables are used for in Google Analytics, also known as RegEx lookup tables. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS Regular expressions, also known as “Regex”, are a sequence of characters that form a search pattern that is used …

UTEL case study at Think with Google

We presumed them that he appeared in Think with Google our success story at AdWords UTEL one of our customers, the University 100 online UTEL,where the focus is on the use of Similar Audiences for the search network, with the aim of generating conversions, in this case, filling out a contact form, focusing on users …

Checkout Funnel at Google Analytics

Do you have an E-commerce? So, cool, excellent, lots of products, traffic, and everything seems to turn out well… But… for some reason they don’t come to the shopping, and you’d like to know why the hell not? What you need is the Checkout Funnel report that will tell you where they are leaving, and if you put the batteries, you can see which products add the most and what is the preferred payment method.

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